I made an ingenious discovery:

"You can free up time to fulfill your desires and achieve your goals if you surround yourself with positive information."
I've written four hundred books on a variety of subjects: scientific, philosophical, social, fiction, poems, poetry, rhythms, Sci-Fi.

I so want to tell all the people about it, that's why there are so many different genres. All my books are conflict-free, and people actually read them, can you imagine?

In an age of monsters, wars, detectives, spies, competition, action, thriller, horror, people listen to me, watch my plays, and watch my films repeatedly. They listen to my reads.
  • They use them to congratulate each other.
  • They use them for weddings if they want a strong and happy family.
  • They use them to get healthy and get rid of any diseases.
  • They use them to build their careers and learn useful skills.
  • They use them to create competitive businesses.
  • They use them to calm down.
  • They use them to make the right decisions.
  • They use them to fly into space and plunge into the depths of the ocean.
  • They use them to survive a war.
And much, much more.

It is absolutely proven by millions of human lives.
Of those who have attended my lectures, seminars, webinars, trainings, etc.

I proved the righteousness of my discoveries with my own meaningful life in its simplest qualities.

I have raised three perfectly educated, family-oriented children.

  • I have a wonderful relationship with my husband and all my in-laws.
  • I've done a tremendous amount of traveling.
  • I've flown around the world.
  • I've been involved in a huge number of meetings, making momentous decisions.
  • People write me all the time, thanking me and expressing their appreciation for improving the quality of their lives and helping them get rid of damage, problems, and mysteries all the time.
  • I've raised thousands of rhythmologists.
  • More than seven hundred of them graduated from my IRLEM Institute which I established in 2002.
  • They have become remarkable professionals.
  • They know how to read my books properly and how to conserve time.
  • To introduce it into various forms (brain, body, heart, family, work, money, love, etc.) of human existence.
  • The success of people who have taken my courses and read my books speaks for itself.
  • My very first course is called Rhythmomeasures. Rhythmomeasures fix damage, solve problems, and uncover mystery.

I have raised thousands of rhythmologists.

Rhythmologists help people read my books correctly to allocate time and redistribute it.

Ритмология. Изучение книги Лучезарновой Евдокии Дмитриевны
To understand the globality of my discoveries, I have invented a unique way to consistently read and re-radiate them in any languages of all inhabitants of Earth.

Join us if you want to improve your life!

- Your rhythmomethodology guarantees your well-being. With all confidence in my rightness, I declare that the RhythmoMethod 7R0 of Evdokiya Luchezarnova is a must for everybody and everything!
Dear readers, visitors of the website!

These translations were made by readers, admirers of E.D. Luchezarnova's work, people who have been thoughtfully studying her works and time management techniques for many years. They are not professional translators but they wanted to share their knowledge with those who do not have the opportunity to read these texts in their original language.

E.D. Luchezarnova would like to thank those involved for the help in popularizing her books and methods and hopes that it will expand the circle of those who discover new knowledge about RhythmoTime and about time as a living substance.
This book consists of the lecture notes of Evdokia Dmitrievna Luchezarnova, astronomer, traveler, and author of more than 400 books, whose main research for over 30 years has been focusing on studying "the fourth dimension" – time, and its influence on humankind. In 2002 the Rhythmology Institute of Evdokia Luchezarnova (IRLEM) was founded in Moscow. This is the first book in the series "Rhythmology for everyone".
NOTHING EVER HAPPENS BY CHANCE (Notebook for practical work)
Did you ever try to understand why your life is all one way and not another? Why you are surrounded by these particular people? Nothing ever happens by chance. Analyze your life, answering questions in the accompanying notebook for practical work and take the first step in finding yourself.